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At First Electric, we prioritize right-of-way maintenance year-round near overhead lines to ensure safe and reliable service for our members. A right-of-way is a designated strip of land that is maintained and cleared beneath or around power lines.
Trees are a major cause of power outages in areas with overhead utility lines. When they come into contact with live wires, they can become conductors of electricity, leading to outages or creating dangerous situations for anyone who encounters them. Trees must grow far enough from conductors to avoid harming individuals or disrupting electrical service.
“Ideally, the dripline of a mature tree’s canopy should not be within 15 feet on either side of overhead lines or within 10 feet of our underground transformers,” said Tim Felty, right-of-way maintenance supervisor.
All trees along fences, roadways and other unmaintained areas will be removed during regularly scheduled maintenance regardless of size or height. “Before work begins, we try to notify our members by email, postcards and door hangers. Our website is a great way to see where our crews and contractors are working. Cleanup crews follow the right-of-way work three to five days after clearing,” said Felty.
To report trees near power lines, call (800) 489-7405 or read more at firstelectric.coop/vegetation-management.