Need Help?

What are your hours?
Our office hours are 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Friday.
How do I report an outage?
Please call 888-827-3322, text "OUT" to 85700 or use our mobile app to report an outage.
How do I pay my bill?
We offer many ways to pay your bill. You can pay using our First Electric mobile app, our website, our office or by calling 844-729-3322.
How do I get new service?
You can request new service by completing an application on our app or you can call 800-489-7405.

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Capital Credits

First Electric returns $7.07 million to members in 2024

As a member of First Electric, YOU get the credit! First Electric Cooperative is a service-driven electric provider, not a profit-driven one. As such, we return any profits to you – our members – in the form of capital credits. 

What are capital credits?

Revenue collected that is not needed to cover the cost of providing service is assigned back to members based on the amount of electricity used during the year. The First Electric Cooperative Board of Directors reviews the cooperative’s financial position each year and determines the amount of capital credits to refund. The amount of money members receive is based on how much electricity they used during the year or years that are being refunded. 

Capital Credits

Capital credits returns your money back to you.

How much is the co-op returning this year?

First Electric is retiring $7,074,763 in 2024. That brings the total returned to members to more than $153.6 million since First Electric began the practice in the 1940s. 

Will I get a refund? 

Members who are eligible for a refund will receive it in December. If your refund is less than $50, then it will be shown as a line item on your December bill. If your refund is $50 or greater, then you will receive a check in the mail. 

Where do I get more information? 

Please call 800-489-7405 during regular business hours to speak with a member service representative.