
If your electric bill is subject to extreme fluctuations due to seasonal usage, Levelized Billing can smooth out those peaks.

If your use of electricity varies a great deal from month to month or from season to season, your electric bill will also vary a great deal. If this puts a strain on your household budget, or if you would prefer to pay approximately the same every month, you might want to consider Levelized Billing at no additional charge. Your electric bill is calculated by adding your current actual electric bill to your previous 11 months' total and dividing by 12.

*Terms and Conditions Apply – Member does not currently have a deposit, guarantor or military waiver; has not made more than two payments after the due date in the last 12 months; has not had more than one returned payment in the last 12 months; has not had service suspended in the last 12 months; and has not tampered with meter.

Enroll in Levelized Billing

  1. Log into your First Electric account
  2. Go to Contact Us
  3. Select Levelized Billing and send request.

A member service specialist will be in contact with you.

Other ways to enroll

Call: ☎ 800-489-7405

Or visit a First Electric office.