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Energy Savings Opportunities
Most homeowners know that changing the furnace or air conditioner filter regularly saves wear and tear on equipment. However, few know that replacing the filter on schedule can reduce heating and cooling costs up to 15 percent.
That's why First Electric Cooperative partnered with DiscountFilters.com.
DiscountFilters.com is an easy way to order filters online and get them delivered free to your door. In addition to saving energy, you can save up to 50 percent on the purchase price of filters. You can even set up an automatic e-mail reminder, so you always will know when it is time to change filters.
We’re excited to introduce a fresh, improved experience just for you! Our new site is designed to make it easier to find what you need, stay informed, and connect with us.
Take a look around and let us know what you think! If you have any questions, we’re here to help.