
The safe and economical way to connect a portable generator during power outages.

For members using a generator or wanting to purchase a generator, First Electric Cooperative offers GenerLink™, a meter collar device installed on your electric meter that allows you to safely connect a generator to your home during outages.

With GenerLink™ you simply plug in the generator and use your household main circuit panel to select the circuits and appliances you want to operate based on the generator capacity. 



GenerLink Benefits

  • Safe

    GenerLink™ provides a safe means for connecting a portable generator to your home, and it automatically disconnects your home from First Electric’s power grid when the generator is connected and producing power. It prevents risky do-it-yourself solutions that can be hazardous for you, your family and First Electric personnel working to restore power.
  • Simple

    GenerLink™ is simple to use and easily installed. A First Electric employee can connect it in less than 30 minutes. Once connected, you just plug your generator into GenerLink™.

    Please note: GenerLink™ is only compatible with a 200 amp service
  • Flexible

    GenerLink™ offers you total flexibility and control. You simply select the circuit or appliances you want to run using your home’s circuit panel. Unlike other generator connections, you can change your appliance selections at any time using GenerLink™.
  • Affordable

    With qualifying payment plans available, GenerLink is competitively priced.

For more information

Speak with a Marketing Representative.

☎ 800-489-7405


Includes 20ft cord

Model Options


MA23N 20- or 30-amp cord $806.25
MA24N 20-, 30- or 50-amp cord $967.50



Options and Addons


Longer Power Cord

Prices in addition to installation prices above

Cord length


40' $156.25
60' $268.75
80' $418.75
100' $481.25


Qualifying First Electric members can put $200 down and pay the remaining balance throughout 12 months interest-free. Payments are added to the electric bill.

Additional Resources