Estimate Your Home's Energy Efficiency
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Billing Options
Electrical Service
Net Metering
Energy Savings Opportunities
Energy Savings Opportunities
As your trusted advisor, First Electric Cooperative is here to help you save money on your monthly bill while maintaining a comfortable and convenient lifestyle.
Your energy habits and home's condition are the primary indicators of how much energy you consume. Our free Home Energy Check Up can help you reduce your energy consumption and ultimately your monthly bill.
Our representatives come to your home at the scheduled time and provide you a list of ways to improve your home’s efficiency.
Estimate Your Home's Energy Efficiency
How Your Home Uses Electricity
We’re excited to introduce a fresh, improved experience just for you! Our new site is designed to make it easier to find what you need, stay informed, and connect with us.
Take a look around and let us know what you think! If you have any questions, we’re here to help.