Discover easy ways to save energy and reduce your bills.
Set the thermostat to 78°F+ in summer, 70°F- in winter. Use ceiling fans to feel cooler.
Install a programmable thermostat.
Ensure your thermostat reads accurately; repair or replace if needed.
Keep the outdoor unit clean and debris-free.
Get your system tuned up annually by a licensed professional.
Inspect and repair duct leaks.
Keep vents open and unobstructed.
Check filters monthly for cleaner air and system efficiency. We recommend replacing filter every 30 to 90 days.
Consider replacing systems older than 15 years.
Air leakage doubles with the central AC running, causing 10-30% of the cooling load.
Common leak points: electrical boxes, plumbing, fireplaces, chimneys, ducts, light fixtures and attic doors.
Caulk and weather-strip doors, windows and other openings.
Hot water can be up to 30% of your energy costs.
Insulate older electric water heaters if warm to the touch.
Insulate hot water pipes to save 3% on heating costs.
Reduce hot water use:
Install low-flow showerheads and shorten shower time.
Run dishwasher and washing machine only with full loads.
Set water heater to 120°F.
Use cold water for laundry.
Fix leaking hot water faucets.
Avoid letting hot water run unnecessarily.
Use LEDs in heavily used fixtures; they last 25 times longer and use less energy than CFLs.
Turn off lights when not needed and remove excess bulbs.
Discover various ways to enhance energy efficiency, including guidelines on building construction, heat pump water heaters, and managing standby power, at the Electric Cooperatives of Arkansas website.
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